Phone +617 3409 4019 (GMT+10hrs)
Available 7 days 8am - 8pm (GMT+10hrs)
Skype Aussie Whip Maker

What Whip is Best for Me?

Bullwhip or Stock Whip? Kangaroo or Red Hide?

Our Whips are hand crafted to fit you and your needs; custom built to suit your hand size and the type of work you specify.

If you’re unsure as to which whip is best for you, complete the form below and press the submit button, Gayle will get back to you soon with a recommendation.

We take pride in hand crafting your whip to suit your exact body size and need.

  • Please tell us your measurements:

    This information helps us build a better whip for you. We can load and balance the whip to suit the work you specify, and make sure the handle suits your hand size.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Do you remember when things were hand made and great pride was taken to produce quality items? I have this pride and very much enjoy making whips.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee our product and its delivery safe to your hands. If there is any problem, we will sort it out. Thousands of people world wide own and love our whips... If you want quality and traditional workmanship, trust an Aussie Whip Maker whip!