Stockwhips – Hand Built to suit you and your needs

Stock whips Hand crafted and Custom built tailored to suit you and your needs.
By the renown whip maker Gayle J Nemeth
NOTE: In Australia we call the strands in a whip the plait other countries call it braiding.
Stock whips are the most popular style of whip in Australia and are known worldwide as the King of all the whip types. Stockmen on foot or horseback prefer them because they can be hung over their shoulder when not in use and they won’t slide off,

leaving both hands free. The keeper on the stock whip joins the keeper onto the stock (handle), this acts like a universal joint, this innovation to the whip took place in early Australian history simply because the early Australian saddle did not have a pommel to hang the whip on. But more importantly these keepers on the thong and the stock when joined together is like a universal joint, allowing the whip to be used from any angle or direction. The handle therefore acts like a fulcrum which gives the stock whip its tremendous speed, power and accuracy; it’s the keepers on the stock whip that makes the. The Australian stock whips are World famous and universally acknowledged as the King of all the whip types, the fastest whip there is.
Stock whips are a unique design of whip that has developed in Australia for moving large mobs (herds) of cattle forward and is well known for its very quick action. The STOCK ( handle) of the whip is the unique feature. It is a separate component of the whip and is joined to the plaited part of the whip (thong) by leather keepers which act like universal joints. Attached to the thong is the fall (single strip of tapered leather) followed by the cracker ( known as popper by Americans).
Stock whips are available in your choice of Kangaroo hide or Red hide.
Stockwhips are available in your choice of Kangaroo hide or Red hide
Kangaroo Hide Stockwhip Selection
Australia’s whips are truly the best in the world. This is not necessarily due to the fact that we have some of the best whip makers in the world, but also because we have some of the best leather for whips in the world. Kangaroo Hide is ideal for whips. It is light weight and has superior strength. For its weight it is the strongest of the leathers. This is why kangaroo hide is the best choice for the multi plait whips.
A whip is like a chain, the more links a chain has the more fluid it will move, therefore the more strands that a whip has the more fluid it will move. More time is taken when plaiting with multi strands, therefore they are the more expensive whip.
Kangaroo Hide loaded and balanced stock whips are the top quality whips, kangaroo hide being the best leather and loaded and balanced referring to the weight in the belly and the appropriate weighted handle (stock) which places the weight, and feel the control of the whip into the palm of your hand. In Australian Whip Cracking Competitions, run by the Australian Whip Crackers and Plaiters Association, only stock whips are allowed. This is due to it being a traditional icon of Australia.
All prices indicated are in Australian Dollars. Please use the Currency Converter
Please see our colour selection for kangaroo hide or any two-tone combination.
Please add $30 if in two tone (takes a little longer to build).
Kangaroo hide stock whips in 4 plait
The quality and price of these whips make them a great purchase. They are durable because they only have 4 strands, and will take a lot of wear and tear. These whips are also finished with a half plait kangaroo hide handle. For anyone beginning to use 2 whips I recommend these, due to their quality and affordability.
The 4 foot by 4 plait kangaroo hide stock whip is a short fast action whip. Traditionally used by workers in cattle yards, hence the term yard whip, where a shorter whip for close yard work is required, also selected by men and women who muster cattle from motorbike or quad bike, because they can be easily used left handed as the bike throttle is on the right hand. Yard whips are also a great length for kids 7 to 12 year old. They are nicely finished with a half plait kangaroo hide handle.
The specifications are as follows:
- 18 inches in the stock {handle}
- 48 inches in the thong
- 25 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
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Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 242
BuyThe 5 foot by 4 plait kangaroo hide stock whip is a great whip for close work in cattle yards and the like. This whip is very good length for working from motor bike or tricks which stockmen today often do. The whip length in kangaroo hide is also a good selection for kids from about 12 years of age wanting to start out. Women who compete in stock horse challenge and the like select this specific whip and length.
The specification is as follows:
- 19 inches in the stock {handle}
- 60 inches in the thong
- 26 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determined overall reach.
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Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 261
BuyThe 6 foot by 4 plait kangaroo hide stock whip is well known as the great all round whip length, can be used from foot or saddle. It is the Australian competition standard length and in 4 strands is a very durable and affordable kangaroo hide whip.
The specifications are as follows:
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 72 inches in the thong
- 27 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
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Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 286
BuyThe 8 plait whip selection
All the 8 plait whips come with a loaded and balanced full plait kangaroo hide handle and the same number of strands as the whip (8)
This is my preference in whip length for work whilst on foot and for most whip cracking routines. Short whips are faster than long whips allowing the fast routines also for women who generally are shorter than men this is their preferred selection.
The specification is as follows
- 19 inches in the stock {handle}
- 60 inches in the thong
- 26 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determined overall reach.
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Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 502
BuyGreat whips for a more flowing slower routines They are popular whips with the working stockmen who rely on the whip to take to work each day This whip in 8 plait is built specifically with daily work in mind For Australian Whip Cracking Competitions, run by the Australian Whip Crackers and Plaiters Association, this is the minimum length required for the accuracy component.
The specification is as follows
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 72 inches in the thong
- 27 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 522
BuyThese whips are preferred by stockmen who need a longer whip Generally selected for work from the saddle This is the famous length that the man from snowy river used If the whip is to short when used from the saddle it may crack to close to the horses ear or over his rump not a good way to treat the ride that takes you to work each day.
The specification is as follows
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 84 inches in the thong
- 30 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 547
BuyThe longer the whip, the more strength that is required to swing and crack it This length is most often selected by stockmen who work from the saddle country where the extra reach of this whip is required to move cattle out of that hard to reach terrain and from scrub country there is no hiding from this length.
The specification is as follows
- 21 inches in the stock {handle}
- 96 inches in the thong
- 32 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 528
BuyThe 12 plait whip selection
All the 12 plait whips come with a loaded and balanced full plait kangaroo hide handle and the same number of strands as the whip (12)
The 12 plait whip selection is the top of the line whip, in terms of the number of strands. Any more strands than this in my opinion is not a whip for every day usage, above 12 plait; the strand needs to be cut very narrow one then really has to look after the whip so that the strands don’t break. All 12 plait whips come with a full plait 12 plait handle.
On full plait handle – This whip is the Aussie Standard – an Australian icon the completion standard length and indeed the optimum length in a stock whip with 12 strands in the plait is simply a joy to use
The specification is as follows
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 72 inches in the thong
- 27 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 558
BuyOn full plait handle – Free flowing whips with total accuracy. These whips are the usual selection for use from the saddle.
The specification is as follows
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 84 inches in the thong
- 30 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 576
BuyOn a full plait handle – This whip puts a bit more distance between you and your target – great for keeping wild cattle at their distance
The specification is as follows
- 21 inches in the stock {handle}
- 96 inches in the thong
- 30 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach the specification is as follows
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Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 600
Red Hide Stockwhips Selection
Red Hide is the name given to a type of cowhide that has gone through a specific tanning process. As the name suggests the final product is red coloured leather. The quality of any cowhide depends on the original hide. Scars can create weaknesses in the leather. Young cattle have more stretch in the hide, which is not desirable for whips. All leather will stretch but if the strands at the end of a whip stretch too much then they are more susceptible to breakage. The red hide we hand select can be relied on not to stretch; you will expect to get many years of good service from my quality handmade red hide whips.
Red Hide from Cow Hide, loaded and balanced stock whips, these whips are loaded and balanced, which means that more weight is put into the belly of the whip. The foundation the belly of any whip is the most important component. If a whip has no belly it will not crack effectively. All Aussie Whip Maker whips have the appropriate amount of weight in the belly (the foundation). A loaded and balanced whip refers to a whip that has the right amount of weight with full and complete bellies in exactly the right spots throughout the whip.
The 4 plait Cow Hide Stock Whip selection
3 feet in length is the shortest length of whip that will make an effective crack. These whips are ideal for any kid up to about the age of 4 to 7. cattlemen are also selecting this length for left handed use because of the throttle set up for motor bikes is on the right.
The specification is as follows:
- 17 inches in the stock {handle}
- 36 inches in the thong
- 24 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 135
BuyTraditionally used by workers in cattle yards, hence the term yard whip, where a shorter whip for close yard work is required, also selected by men and women who muster cattle from motorbike or quad bike, because they can be easily used left handed as the bike throttle is on the right hand . Yard whips are also a great length for kids 7 to 12 year old. They are nicely finished with a half plait kangaroo hide handle.
The specification is as follows
- 18 inches in the stock {handle}
- 48 inches in the thong
- 25 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 163
BuyThis whip comes with a 4 plait red hide. The Red Hide gives the handle greater grip, which is needed on a work whip. A great whip for anyone starting off in whip cracking and wanting a whip that will take a lot of wear and tear. A great length for any kid around the age of 12 and up. What I would class as a good all round whip, whether it be for cattle work on foot or hobby whip cracking routines. A great length for women of average height.
Also the length required by women and girls who compete in stock horse class
The specification is as follows:
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 60 inches in the thong
- 26 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 202
BuyThis whip comes with a 4 plait red hide handle which provides secure grip . The 6 footer is the Australian standard length. You will find this whip on all working cattle stations. The length selected by men who compete in stock horse challenge considered to be the great all round length used from foot and saddle.
For those men wanting a great whip for hobby whip cracking this whip will suit perfectly
The specification is as follows:
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 72 inches in the thong
- 27 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 208
BuyThis whip comes with a 4 plait red hide handle which provides a good grip . This is the most common length used from horseback. If a short whip is used from the saddle it has a greater chance of cracking near the horse’s ear or over the rump. You need a longer whip that will crack further away from the horse. a strong tool with a loud crack
Tall strong men often select this length for the sound value
The specification is as follows:
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 84 inches in the thong
- 30 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach.
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 219
BuyThe 6 plait Stock Whip Selection
The following whips are recommended for people who prefer a heavier whip. They are a 6 plait red hide which gives greater weight to the whip indeed the crack of these whips, suggests to the cattle don’t try it on I am the boss. These 6 and 7 foot whips come with an 8 plait weighted red hide handle being popular for greater grip.
Six feet in all of the Stock Whips offered is the Australian standard and indeed is the length required for competition. The 6 foot by 6 plait stock whip is built for hard daily work and is a great loud cracking whip and is well known as the great all round length used from foot and saddle.
For men who compete in stock horse challenge this is the whip length selected indeed for the male hobby whip cracker this whip is a very good selection
The specification is as follows:
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 72 inches in the thong
- 27 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 301
BuyThis is a common whip used by strong men who prefer a longer whip for greater sound value. Also a very popular whip used from the saddle where greater reach is required. This is particularly true for cattlemen who are working all day from the saddle with wild cattle that are inclined to run at the horse. The rider where a longer, heavier whip is needed to keep the wild cattle at their distance.
For tall strong men on foot this is indeed a great loud cracking whip indeed a joy to use
The specification is as follows
- 20 inches in the stock {handle}
- 84 inches in the thong
- 30 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 303
BuyThis length is most often selected by cattlemen who work from the saddle in hard rough country, where the extra reach of this whip is required to move cattle forward and out of those hard to reach gullies and from scrub where the cattle are inclined be difficult. There is indeed no hiding from this length. a very strong loud cracking whip
For tall strong men this is indeed a great loud cracking whip without doubt a joy to hear
The specification is as follows:
- 21 inches in the stock {handle}
- 96 inches in the thong
- 32 inches in the fall
Add to this the length of your arm to determine overall reach length, this whip is most often selected by stockmen who work country where the extra reach of this whip is required to move cattle out of those hard to reach gullies and from scrub country there is no hiding from this length.
Click to view more images of our whips
Please see our Whip Care Pack
$ 314
BuyThe pack contains our own formula special whip wax (leather conditioner). Three crackers/poppers, and a cotton cloth for application of whip wax.
*Postage for Whip Care Pack will be free of charge when Whip Care Pack is purchased with any whip.
$ 29.40
Customer Quote: “My dear friend from California (who’s heritage is Navajho Indian) .. is getting this whip as a gift. She is now coming to Australia in 2006 to buy a piece of land and raise a few Stock/Quarter horses with the assistance of my Nanna .. a Cattle Station owner and manager. Nanna is a tough old bird .. and my friend wants to learn how to crack a whip from Nanna. Pssstttt .. Nanna could leave a welt on my bottom as I was flying out of the machinery shed door (doing the ducking and weaving routine). I remember those stings so well. It wasn’t very often that I got away without being ‘got’ .. if Nanna missed on the 1st crack .. it was dead certain that if you were still in range by the time the 2nd crack landed .. it meant you would have a sore bottom for a week or more. … The story of why the whip is wanted … and Nanna gave you Ma’m the nod … Nanna has had your stockwhips for eons.”
Chris, Clearmont