Whip Boxing
Whipboxing is the pinnacle of the skill development program for Whip users. The sport is suitable for all whip enthusiasts who wish to improve and apply their whip skills in a fast paced sport of skill.
Introducing Whip Boxing… Sport at the Speed of Sound
What is Whipboxing?
Whipboxing is the pinnacle of the skill development program for Whip users. The sport is suitable for all whip enthusiasts who wish to improve and apply their whip skills in a fast paced sport of skill.
The purpose of Whipboxing is really twofold:
- To provide an opportunity for whip enthusiasts to put their knowledge of whips and how to crack them into practice; and
- To improve and develop the skills and abilities of the participants, including the players, coaches and officials
What are the goals of whipboxing?
Skill Development: To provide people with the opportunity to develop competitively in an organized, structured and supervised environment;
Quality Coaching: To provide considerable training time, quality coaching and concerned supervision;
Social Maturity: To provide players with a healthy, constructive environment in which to develop socially;
Advanced Competition: To provide players with exposure to national and international competition.
Media – Filming Day at Aussie Whip Maker

Thursday 10 April 2003 – Gayle and the team were recently filmed and interviewed on Whip Cracking and Whip Boxing by the News crew from the Brisbane based “Extra” television show. Click here to see the article.
We just made it into one of Australia’s biggest newspapers, The Sunday Mail. Even got to Page 17 in full colour. Click here [1.9MB PDF] to see the article.
Fantastic News! We were recently interviewed by ABC National Radio about our whips, history and Whip Boxing / Fighting. It has gone to air nationally with lots of people emailing and ringing me to let us know that they had heard it. Click here to listen to the ABC National Radio Interview [Size: 290 Kb].
To top it off, we got a 15 minute segment on Channel 9 (a national free to air TV station) showing our whipmaking and whipboxing as shown in the photos below! What a great week for whip enthusiasts everywhere…

Whip Fighting – Our new sport !
Here are some photos of our whip fighting. They were taken at the Longreach Hall of Fame where we are holding shows.

You will notice in one photo how Gayle’s whip is about to hit me fair in the face whilst my whip has just hit her down the front. The whips are traveling at the speed of sound, 343 m/sec so it is impossible to dodge a whip that is coming at you. The key is to anticipate a move and try and set your opponent up for a shot. Head shots are the only ones that count for points during each round. After 3 rounds, we have a 60 second free for all section where we just go at each other non stop. The other photo was taken at Longreach while we were having whip boxing challenges. It’s of Gayle and a local bloke.
The protective gear that we are wearing is a jacket and a fencers face mask. The sound of the whips thumping against your body is amazing and the crowds have been loving it! Contact Gayle for more information.